Your wedding day is one of the most memorable days of your life! Such an important event does require your attention to detail to ensure that everything runs smoothly; catering, guest list, your dress, the music, to name a few. Oftentimes, however, you forget the most essential thing of all: yourself!
We know that it is important for you to prepare your hair and skin before your wedding day. But how do you know what to do and when?
We have prepared a complete beauty guide in which we have listed all the steps that you can take to prepare your body and skin to look as radiant as possible on your wedding day.
This is the ideal moment to start thinking about the treatments or processes that will require more time to deliver results, for example, a nutritional plan that allows us to reach a feeling of great health, and ideal weight and to improve your skin. Now is also the perfect time to hire a wedding planner, and below are the names of a few that we have worked with that we love!
They can help you save time & money and give you peace of mind.
Take a look at our list below and pay special attention to the points that are consistent with your goals. Consult your dermatologist or beautician to make a daily skincare regimen and explore which skin treatments and facials are best for your dream-skin goals.
Consider hair removal options for silky smooth skin: laser hair removal, waxing.
Begin lash-enhancing treatments or start having fun experimenting with some false lashes.
Choose hair extensions with natural hair fibers only (they are worth the money!)
Start drinking less alcohol and replace it with fresh juices and lots of water.
Meet with a professional nutritionist, trainer, or health coach to design a health and fitness routine that works best for you.
Photo: Jumpstory
Your big day is only about six months away! This is the ideal time to think about how you want to wear your hair: Up, down, maybe a braid? So many options to choose from! Here are a few of our recommendations.
Take vitamins that support your skin, hair, and nails.
Stay committed to your fitness and nutrition routine.
Schedule a hair appointment to begin exploring conditioning treatments, your ideal color, cut, and match your hair extensions.
Brow shaping begins! And you have lots of options to explore from tinting, henna, waxing, threading, microblading, or if you are talented in brow design, do your own trimming/tweezing.
Start dry brushing your body to remove flaky skin, detoxify and improve circulation.
Photo: Jumpstory
Your wedding day is 3 months away and you have already done many things to help make this day an unforgettable experience for you, your partner, and your loved ones. This will be the last month for trying new products, so you can prevent unexpected reactions or allergies. Here are your next beauty steps!
It’s time for your makeup and hair trial!
Spray tan trial too
Start whitening your teeth (professionally or at home system)
Final hair trim and color
Start getting manicures and pedicures regularly and experiment with different colors so that for your wedding day you know exactly what you want. We love the classic French manicure for the big day!
Remember, no more newbies! This is the last month that you should experiment with any new products.
Photo: Jumpstory
You are in the home stretch and soon you will be walking down the aisle! Here is a list of priorities!
Your final gentle facial treatment (as long as you have been doing facial for 3 months or more already)
Final brow grooming appointment
Final body hair removal
Final spray tan (wait for a day or two after body hair removal)
Final deep condition your hair treatment
Photo: Jumpstory
You are just hours away from your wedding day! It’s time to relax and focus on yourself, reflect on all you have done to prepare for this day and enjoy your peace of mind and savor the moment. Remember tonight to give priority to sleeping the optimum number of hours that work best for you (7 to 9 hours range is optimal for most) and this will also help to create a fresh complexion.
Here are your final details before your special day.
Have your dress steamed (this will prevent you or anyone from your bridal party from getting any steam (or humidity) in their hair or face the day of).
Pack your handbag with lip color, blotting papers, and translucent powder.
Put any bags you need in the car the night before.
Final manicure and pedicure the day before.
Keep up with drinking your H2O (hot water with lemon is great too).
Eat light and healthy, this will keep your energy level up.
Before bed, put your phone on silent mode and get lots of beauty rest! (7-9 hours of sleep a night).
Breathe deeply and slowly, knowing you are ready and your wedding day will be fantastic!
Photo: Jumpstory
Your wedding day has arrived! You are prepared, and this is the time to celebrate with the ones you love the most. Know that you look positively glowing! Enjoy this moment and build memories that you will carry with you for the rest of your life. Have a beautiful day!